Newark Public Information Center Announced

Join the New Jersey Turnpike Authority for the first in-person Public Information Center for the first project of the Newark Bay-Hudson County Extension Improvements Program. The Public Information Center will take place on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, in the East Side High School gymnasium from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. East Side High School is located at 238 Van Buren Street, Newark, NJ 07105.

The Public Information Center will follow the format of an open house and include remarks by Mayor Ras J. Baraka, a presentation, and opportunities for residents to ask questions and speak one-on-one with Turnpike Authority officials and members of the Program team. There will be information stations around the room so that residents can learn more about the first project, the reconstruction between Interchanges 14 and 14A, and its benefits and opportunities.

Public Information Centers will also be held in Bayonne and Jersey City at a later date. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated.

NEPA Environmental Assessment

The NEPA EA confirms the findings of the NJ Executive Order 215 Environmental Impact Statement. The first project will relieve congestion between Interchanges 14 and 14A and maintain or improve community and environmental quality.

As part of our commitment to environmental responsibility and transparency, we’ve made the NEPA EA available to the public via the Environmental Responsibility page of this website. To ensure accessibility, hard copies are also available for viewing in the Bayonne, Jersey City, and Newark public libraries.

For convenience, you may also view the NEPA EA below. By visiting the Environmental Responsibility page of this website, you will have full access to all of the NEPA EA accompanying documents, the draft NJ EO 215 EIS, and the EIS summary.

Virtual Public Information Center

In keeping with our commitment to accessible and inclusive public outreach, we conducted a virtual Public Information Center (PIC) ahead of our upcoming in-person PICs to provide an update on the Program and the first project and to answer questions that were submitted or read at Turnpike Authority Board of Commissioners meetings.

Program Media Coverage

Following the release of the draft Executive Order 215 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the first project, the reconstruction between Interchange 14 in Newark and Interchange 14A in Bayonne and Jersey City, Real Estate NJ and published stories breaking down the reasons for the critically needed project. Doing so, writes Real Estate NJ, would eliminate congestion and provide important mobility, safety, and access benefits to overburdened communities in Newark, Bayonne, and Jersey City.

Draft Environmental Impact Statement

The draft Executive Order 215 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the first project, the reconstruction between Interchange 14 in Newark and Interchange 14A in Bayonne and Jersey City, finds that this project will relieve congestion between Interchanges 14 and 14A and maintain or improve community and environmental quality.

Program Status Update

The Program is currently in the Preliminary Design phase for the reconstruction between Interchange 14 in Newark and Interchange 14A in Bayonne and Jersey City. This is the highest priority project. It will replace the Vincent Robert Casciano Bridge (Newark Bay Bridge), the major structure over Newark Bay connecting Newark to Bayonne, with two new bridges. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2026 and last 8 -10 years. The other projects in Bayonne and Jersey City will occur in the next decade.

Environmental Responsibility

Currently, both an Executive Order 215 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and a NEPA Environmental Assessment (EA) are underway. They include an analysis of impacts on the communities adjacent to the first project, which is the reconstruction between Interchange 14 and Interchange 14A. Environmental justice is a key focus of the analysis. We will make both documents available once they are final. Subscribe to our newsletter to be kept up-to-date.

Nearly 60% of NJ Voters Support the Program

A recent Fairleigh Dickinson University poll showed strong bipartisan support for the Newark Bay-Hudson County Extension Improvements Program.

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